The Community of Educators for Genocide prevention
The EMOTL project organized with its partners in Lithuania, Austria, Belgium, Greece and Hungary the first of its kind Conference of Holocaust Teachers and Holocaust Educators bringing together for an exchange of knowledge, exchange of views and exchange of best practices
In this Conference, Holocaust Educatorsand stakeholders in Holocaust Education discussed and reviewed the following topics:
- Easy access (on-line in national language) to materials deepening the Holocaust educators’ knowledge and skills concerning identification, mitigation and countering issues of intolerance.
- International dimension of the challenges faced by various communities derived from the past and present, will become examples of good and bad practices identified in countries covered by the network.
- Exchange of best practices helping establishing Holocaust & Genocide studies/programs where not existing
- Special focus will be given to educate and engage young people and young adults in a transnational way.
The establishment of the Community of Educators for Genocide Prevention (CEGP) capitalized on the participation of Educators and their students to the March of the Living or to other Holocaust Remembrance projects and aims to promote awareness raising activities, to actively countering anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and intolerance, to build positive narratives and to break prejudice and stereotypes, on the basis of a participatory approach
Network of Community of Educators of Genocide Prevention (CEGP) shall become liaison between vision and actual implementation of educational efforts taking into account EU principles and values.
Gathering committed Educators participating and engaged in the EMOTL or Holocaust Remembrance activities will create effective multipliers of the civic network and of the educational activities.
Later on, a special Task Force consisting of Civic Leaders and Educators will ensure that this task will be implemented as a priority.