The heroic uprising at the Treblinka death camp took place today, August 2nd, 1943, 79 years ago. The uprising was led by some 1000 Jewish prisoners, who prepared it for months in advance. During...
The Annual March of the Living took place in Auschwitz – Birkenau on the 18/4/2022 Holocaust survivors pass the torch to third generation in March of the Living – JPost – 2022.04.20 Next generation... March of the Living Commemorates Holocaust Victims – 2022.04.25 March of the Living commemorates Holocaust victims – 2022.04.25
The Joint March of the Living in Thessaloniki on the 20/3/2022 2,000 people participate in the ‘Never again, Thessaloniki – Auschwitz’ march – JPost 2022.03.22 – Vice-President Schinas attends commemoration of deportation of...
Dr. Shmuel Rosenman oped for the 2021 Yom HaShoah: